Looking For Info On An E.m.white


Wooden Canoe Maniac
I picked up this 16' E.M.White over the weekend in New Hampshire. The bow deck does sport a badge, but I can't find any other identifying marks nor a serial #. Can anyone tell me give me an idea how old it might be from how it looks?
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I believe serial numbers were used after about 1940, so your canoe is probably pre-1940, but that is all I can tell.
Pat Farnsworth and Walter King purchased White canoe in April, 1946. This is the era when the White, Water St. tags were replaced with the White Inc. ones and serial numbers were introduced as Fitz mentioned. The 1923 White catalog was the last one to show a steam bent, "D" shaped rear seat. Therefore, your canoe was probably built sometime between the early 1920s and mid 1940s since it has a Water St. tag, no serial numbers, and a square stern seat. Good luck with the restoration,

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