LOVES Wooden Canoes
Good Morning! Thanks to all for the responses to my questions so far regarding this magnificent craft. I have removed the fiberglass and stripped the varnish, the thread concerning the removal of varnish under the long Octa decks with a modified toilet bowl brush was a brilliant idea! counting broken ribs and calculating planking replacement now. Any suggestions of minwax shades I should be starting with to stain new ribs would be great!
I am going to replace inwales and outwales on this boat, as well as complete some stem repair, I have seen some postings of the bow opened up, so I think I'm ok with inside details of the construction. However, I was wondering if anyone had some nice photos of what the completed deck looks like, showing the inwales and outwales running past, also, details of how the ends of the outwales should look from the side and bow. Thanks! Todd
I am going to replace inwales and outwales on this boat, as well as complete some stem repair, I have seen some postings of the bow opened up, so I think I'm ok with inside details of the construction. However, I was wondering if anyone had some nice photos of what the completed deck looks like, showing the inwales and outwales running past, also, details of how the ends of the outwales should look from the side and bow. Thanks! Todd