Wood Girl #1186
Being in the wood industry, and spending plenty of time poking around aquainteneces properties, tresspassing, hunting, fly-fishing etc. I recently found what I think may be some terrific resources for acquiring difficult to find materials for building wood and canvas or strip canoes. I am interested in pursuing the harvesting of some trees in a few locations that look mighty fine (EXCLUDING birchbark). Tall, straight, growing too close together in densley packed woodlots often yields fairly clear straight grained wood as no light reaches the lower limbs to keep branches alive more than a year or two. Let's say some of these trees which are bound to be thinned out to make room to grow little christmas trees (!) are harvested per correct canoe building, repairing specifications. Now is the time to chime in with your wish list. If you could get your hands on WHAT specifically, you would be the happiest canoe person alive and forever in my debt. Describe that which you seek and what you want to use it for. Specie, cut (plain sawn or quarter sawn), lengths, widths, thicknesses, quantities, softwoods, hardwoods. Chime in, please. WIth the right guidance, we might be able to ask for and get some good stuff. Splinter