Thanx for the build info. You were spot on about "Dark Green". When the owner dropped off the canoe he looked at one of my OT's painted Dark Green and said that was what he wanted. Time has elapsed and now the color request has changed. His Dad will be 89 soon and they have discussed the restoration I am doing on the canoe . NNOOOOWWW that I have confirmed the original color all I have to search out is OT's color chart that shows this "Buff" color so I can try to match it as close as possible to Kirby's color chart for ordering. If you or anyone else has any suggestions, I'm open. I will do a search of the forum for OT color charts as I bet Benson has posted them in the past.
ON another topic dear to your heart, I will be starting work on refurbishing that 15 foot Morris I got in September when this 13 footer is done. I'm going to try and retain the original canvas and hope it will withstand heavy wet sanding the possible many coats of paint on it. I haven't decided on a paint color as yet or what stripeing design I will add. Do any original Morris paint color charts exist?? You are the one who would know. I have copied some of the Morris stripeing designs that you have posted in the past but would like to see many more (if they exist) before deciding..