Wooden Canoe ID


New Member
I bought a wooden canoe in VA about 8 years ago. And a the time the sellers knew the builder and said he worked in Upper NY. I, at that time, looked him up on Google and found him. Since then and 2 moves later I still have the canoe but can no longer find the builder's ntory. ame. The seller's told me it was an older gentleman who only made a couple of canoes a year. They thought it was late 70s to early 80's. I am just asking if any member can look at the canoe pictures and recogize the builder. The canoe is 18' 3" with a 3' beam. Lots of differnet woods and top rails, seats, and an oar are of Birds Eye Maple. Thank you, am trying to sell now and it would be much better if I knew some history.
Welcome aboard.
I don't recognize it. It's very pretty, I think there have been many builders of strip planked canoes. I don't know which ones might bring more interest or cash. They can be hard to sell. Good luck with yours.
That's a stripper - at least here (MN), many 1,000's have been built sense the method and designs were popular in the 60's and 70's, not much value for them here either, as most folks want to build their own.
That one is also somewhat oddly built, as it appears to be stapleless (a plus), but the planking pattern uninspired. The shape and trim are also lacking. Here that's maybe a $500-800 canoe.
