interior varnish removal

Gil Cramer

The wooden canoe Shop, Inc.
I was recently shown another way to really wreck a canoe when stripping the varnish. Crank up the pressure on your high-pressure washer until holes are blown in the planking. Since the ribs are thicker, they won't have any holes, just really deep gouges. This is a much faster technique for destruction than using a metal putty knife. The putty knife only leaves marks which are virtually impossible to remove, but the washer creates kindling in a hurry.
If you are considering stripping your canoe please review the techniques in the archives. Better yet,take it to a professional stripper. They can dispose of the residue properly, and remove ALL of the varnish.
How much pressure?


What was the pressure at the nozzel of the example you state? Do you still advocate the dip-strip and hose off method? Maybe there could be a compromise of chemical and pressure ratio. But, you do bring up a real good point...that of green stripping. Proper disposal has a cost but the long term effect is worth it. I charge customers an environmental impact charge with no complaints but dispose properly.

A little education goes a long way.

Unfortunately, in some areas, dip & strip operations are not allowed for different environmental reasons - namely air pollution from the VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) that escape from the tank.
I don't know what nozzle pressure was used on this canoe, but it really did a number on it. For quite a few years, all of my stripping has been done by a professional furniture stripper. Over the years, I've had about five different ones ( it seems that they don't stay in business very long). I've used the current stripper about five years. He will strip canoes and small outboards up to about 16'. For varnished canoes he charges $12/ft to do the interior only. For canoes that were once fiberglassed AND have the fiberglass removed, I have him strip the exterior,also. There is an extra charge, but the stripper removes almost all of the resin between the planks. If you've ever tried to remove all of the resin between the planks by hand, you can understand why I spend the extra money.