Material Question


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
Total newbie here. What kind of products should I be looking for as far as a waterproof resin epoxy that after applied / filled in areas is sand-able? I have some areas I want to seal up without the use of any glass and I then want to be able to smooth them out so I can paint or gelcoat... The tips of my canoe need some 'fill'. Any ideas on how to approach this or what materials to use or where to begin would be great.

What books can anyone recommend on canoe restoration?
The book you want to get is Jerry Stelmok & Rollin Thurlow's "The Wood And Canvas Canoe," available at the WCHA bookstore. It'll give you much better options how to fix those spots that need "fill."
After you read the book, then you can decide whether to fill re replace/splice the rib tips.

To date, I've filled mine, using wood flour filled epoxy. They do stand out though. Spliced can be almost invisable.

Thanks Dan - for answering ALL of my questions.

One last one for now as I try to plan the course of repair... What kind of paint should I use when i redo the hull? I think originally it was a gelcoat, but wouldn't painting, wet sanding then buffing be easier? Also, the strips of cherry veneer (I think) on the floor inside appear to have been varnished at some point. Some parts still show this. What would be good for resurrecting them?
Ok, that was 2 questions...
I will be posting some pix tonight to show the beast...
After you read the book, then you can decide whether to fill re replace/splice the rib tips.

To date, I've filled mine, using wood flour filled epoxy. They do stand out though. Spliced can be almost invisable.


When I said tips, what I meant was the bow and stern ends at the top just under the stems have some rot about 2"-3" down... Sorry, still learning terminology...

The answer is almost the same.

But with rot 2-3 inches down the stems (or gunwales), I'd splice a new end on. Again see Jerry/Rollins book on a method make the joints.

Ahhh, paint, another good question to get a bunch of different answers.

The 1st is "do you use a primer or not". Some do, some don't, I haven't.

Top coat, many different paints have been used, but I'd stick with a good marine paint, I like Interlux enamels for most projects, and Kirby's for older work. Both are in the net.

I use a 4-5 in foam roller and tip with a natural bristel brush. Alternate side to side quickly to keep a wet edge.

I'm not sure what this cherry veneer might be, though the whole inside should be varnished with a good maine varnish.

Here are some pics of what I am working with...


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