Before the big computer meltdown I posted photos of my canoe before and after restoration. I brought it to the 2004 Assembly, you may recall it, blue and white, AA grade, closed gunnels that extend beyond the stem band. Serial #1473. I also posted, and lated mailed you a photo of the decal which did not survive the refinishing process. In 1991 just after I aquired the boat I received a letter from James Sucher, Akron, Ohio, who was a WCHA member at the time, he may still be. He said that in his copy of the 1968 Old Town catalog it states that canoe #1617 was shipped in 1903. Therefore my canoe with #1473 might be older than the 1904 date I had figured. I do not have access to a 1968 catalog to check out what he was reading, maybe you could check it out. I should start another thread and repost the photos. Regarding the Ebay canoe that started this thread - it did not sell. I suggested to the seller that he list it with the WCHA classified ads - so maybe whose of interest may get another shot at it.