Easedale Canoe Co.


The Easedale (Easdale) Canoe Co. was located in Guerneville, California, on the Russian River. I had a small wood/canvas rowboat in the thirties and neighbor kids had 15' canoes. I have no idea how long they were in operation and when they ceased production. I would like to learn more about the company history and when they were in operation.

I would like to buy an Easedale canoe in almost any condition to restore.

Many thanks for anyone's help.

R.C. Cross
Easedale Canoe Co, Gurneville, CA

Dear Mr. Cross,
We just ran into a chat session where you mentioned the Easedale Canoe Co. We have an 11'-8" Easedale row boat that was restored by a gentleman from the Santa Rosa area. It's in great condition. We're trying to learn the value of the boat and more about the Easedale company. We assume it was built around the 1920's. Have you gotten any more information about the Easedale company since your post from last year?
Wendy Hansen
Easedale Canoe Co, Gurneville, CA

Dear Crosscut,
We just ran into a chat session where you mentioned the Easedale Canoe Co. We have an 11'-8" Easedale row boat that was restored by a gentleman from the Santa Rosa area. It's in great condition. We're trying to learn the value of the boat and more about the Easedale company. We assume it was built around the 1920's. Have you gotten any more information about the Easedale company since your post from last year?
Dear Wendy,

Thanks for you reply to my enquiry about Easedale. I have received only one other reply. A man sent me a photo of his square stern Easedale canoe. I could not tell him anything about it. From little details such as the name cut into the aluminum breast hook it appeared to be early in Easedale production.

All the canoe companies produced square stern canoes when outboard motors were developed and became popular. As motors got larger the boats were widened and redesigned to better handle the motors. There are a good number of Old Town and Penn Yan motor boats still around. You might check the want ad page on the WCHA website for pricing. I have had 12' and 14' Penn Yan motor boats.

Thanks again, good luck in your search. R.C.
Easdale Canoe

Hi Dick,
I just got a 16' Easdale canoe into the shop yesterday. It's a little rough but not bad. It needs new outwales, a few ribs and some planking. The original seats and thwarts were replaced with some crude aluminum tube affairs which are headed for the recycle bin. It had been fiberglassed but I was able to peel it off easily.
Have you or Wendy Hansen learned anything more of the history of Easdale Canoes? I had heard mention of the name once or twice in the past but nothing more.
Regards, Eric Harman
Easdale Canoes

Hi Eric,

No more information on Easdale Canoes has surfaced. They are indeed a mystery company. It will take a trip to the Russian River to dig into old records.

The only observation I can make is that the breasthook in the squarestern photo that was sent me looked like the name was cut into the surface. The little boat I had in the forties had a cast breast hook with raised letters. I am guessing the boat was built in the thirties.

Thanks, keep searching, R.C.
Easdale canoe

Hi R.C.,

I have a friend in Santa Rosa who may be willing to reseach Easdale. I'm thinking a local historical society or perhaps a surving family member would be a source of information.
The canoe I'm working on has cast aluminum deckplates with the raised letters "Easdale, Guerneville, Ca. I can forward an email from the owner with photos if you like.

Regards, Eric
Easdale canoe


That would be great to have someone near Guerneville poke around for Easdale sources. Guerneville may have been too small to have its own newspaper but maybe the phone company would have a record of phone service. I recall as a kid driving through that area with my folks and lots of little businesses were closed with signs saying the men had gone off to war. Maybe that caused the end of the Easdale Canoe Company.

I would like to have Easdale information and photos for my file.

Easedale rowboat


I'm new to this forum; but, I have been looking around for information on Easedale boats. My dad bought an Easedale 12' rowboat, canoe construction sometime in the early 50's. I still have it and it has not been used for at least 35 years. It has been hanging in a dry place in the garage and is in pretty good condition. The canvas is separating from the wood beneath in some areas. For some reason I always thought it was built in Jenner. I do remember going past the small building in Jenner which was pointed out to me as being the place the boat was built. Maybe that was where my dad purchased it. But, I seem to remember boats being built there many years ago. In any case if anybody has any more information on these boats or what value they might have I would certainly appreciate hearing. Thank you in advance.
Easdale canoe

Hello rfcjr,

I just ran across your post of several years ago about your Easdale rowboat. I am still looking for information about the Easdale Canoe Co. Do you still have the boat? Would it be possible to post photos of your boat or perhaps send photos by mail? Where are you located?

Thanks, R.C.

I am in the Santa Rosa area. The boat is hoisted up in the rafters of the garage right now. When I get it down I will take some pictures and post them. It is in pretty good condition and has not been used for over 30 years.
Easedale Boat Company

My family has spent many years on the Russian River in the town of Guerneville, CA. My parents have shared a little bit about the Easedale Boat Company with me. The boat company was located in Guernewood Park a mile west of Guerneville, CA. Many families would leave their boats at the Easedale Boat Company for repair, and to be stored over the winter months. The company burned in the late 1950’s, destroying many of the boats on the premises.

My dad, as a young boy, remembers the owner opening a shop in Jenner a few years later. My mother remembers seeing blue prints in the home of a boat builder in Monte Rio, CA; however, the home has since been sold. Ten years ago I asked the new homeowners if they had seen the prints, but they had not. I continued to try to track down the prints of the previous owner but, was unsuccessful.

I am interested in a square stern of any condition. I would also be interested in blue prints, pictures or other information about the Easedale boat company and its history. Please share what information you have, and I will do the same.

Hello. . . I have a complete biography of John Easdale and his son Dave. I live in Guerneville and had been inside the Easdale shop before he sold out and moved to Jenner. If any one is interested in this history, e-mail me at toyfrog@sonic.net
Hello Eric, i just bought what i believe to be an easdale canoe, was hoping you might have some photos thanks john
My wife and I have an Easdsale Wooden Canoe that was purchased by her father some 80+ years ago in Gureneville, California. He had a cabin in Old Fellows Park on the Russian River where his family spent the summers. Two daughters, one son and many grandchildren and great-grand children have used the canoe over the years. My wife, his only remaining child, remembers wanting to go take the canoe out, but her father would not let her until she could swim, which she did when she was 5 years old. She is now 77 years old, her brother and sister were 10 and 11 years older than she. that how we are placing the age of the canoe at 80+ years. My nephew, his grandson, is at the Park now for three weeks with his Mother (she is 88), wife of the one son, and is looking into doing some research on the Easdale Canoe Company. Heard the company burnt down some time during the 40's. He will be checking into the library and asking various people and various stores about the company. The canoe is in fairly good shape having been kept under wraps during the winters. A few cracked ribs, several broken or cracked rib tips and the front and back stems need replacing, which I'm in the process of doiing now. The son had the canoe fiber glassed a few years ago but now we have removed the glass and are going to recanvas the canoe. If my nephew finds anything out about the company, I surely will post it on another thread. Interesting. Ron Bull, son-in-law of Charles W. Stone, the canoes original owner.
I just completed rebuilding an Easdale wood canvas canoe. I am not sure how old it is. It was bought used by my father-in-law in the late 60's. image.jpg