Nice Rack


WCHA 8049
Hello Everyone,

Can anyone share tips/thoughts/experience on replacing or making a floor rack? A quick search hasn't turned up anything too terribly helpful. I like the idea of keeping/getting the canoe to be as orignal as possible and I was wondering what is the best way to go about this. I'm pretty stumped even on what kind wood to use since my OT build sheet doesnt specify (im guessing mahogany?). Also anyone know how i can find out what the original one may have looked like. i've noticed some have 6 slats and others like this one have 8. Any info helps. Thanks.

Zach, I'm sure you'll get some responses more professional than mine since I am not a restoration pro. My 1915 OT HW AA was restored before I purchased her last year. Thwarts, wales, seats and decks are mahogany. She also has sponsons, and weighs almost 120 lbs. The floor racks are comprised of six slats and are clearly not mahogany. My guess is spruce. I'm glad they're not mahogany as she's already a "beast" to get into the water and I'm sure mahogany floor racks would add several pounds. She's due to come out of the basement this weekend; I'll try to post some pics. Tom
Zach, Thanks for your instruction re. attachments. Here is a picture of my floor rack. I had to compress it, so let's see if this works. Regards, Tom


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    Canoe 6-7-04 002compressed.jpg
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Nice boat Tom. Thanks for the picture. Do you know off the top of your head how many cross members yours has and about where theyre located?

Total length is 152" (for an 18" OT HW). There are five cross pieces (one in the center), almost certainly white cedar, which are spaced approximately 34" apart. These cross pieces fit "neatly" in between the ribs.
The following is a description of a floor rack from a 16 foot long, AA grade, Yankee built in 1936 that I just picked up (with many thanks to Fritz). The build record can be found at if you want more details. This rack is 127 inches long and extends from stem to stem. It has five cross pieces at 7.5, 37.5, 63.5, 89.5, and 119 inches from the end. The widths of these cross pieces are 5, 11, 12, 11, and 5 inches respectively. Each cross piece appears to have been made out half ribs so they are beveled with the wide part on the bottom. These appear to be made out of white cedar. The long slats are roughly 1.25 by 0.25 inches and appear to be spruce. The intersection of each slat and cross piece is nailed with two round headed brass nails and clinched on the bottom. Feel free to reply here if you want additional details or pictures.



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Hey!! Where did you get that canoe!!

:eek: :) ;)

Actually, I'm glad it found a very good home. I hope it gets to see the water soon.

Thanks so much Benson . . . That helps big time, especially since mine is a Yankee model. I'll be sure to post pictures when we build our new one. Thanks again!
