Whats this on Ebay?

I asked this same question the first time this canoe was offered on eBay-- those rush seats are deceiving... we even have a Shell Lake (well, parts thereof) and have that deck and carry thwart combo.

The second time this seller listed the boat, I thought I'd let him know what it might be, but received a snippy response doubting anyone's ability to determine a canoe's maker based merely on a picture. Heck, some canoes can be diagnosed, based on a picture of the stem alone!

Seems a little rough for $900, but there's a sucker born every minute. :p

Looks like a nice canoe, just not sexy.
First canoe I bid on, on eBay, was a Shell Lake with the half-ribs... looked very pretty and ready to paddle... but someone sniped it away. The next canoe I bid on was a Morris.

What bothers me about this particular eBay canoe is that the seller has information he could check up on, but prefers to stick with his notion that it's a very old (and therefore valuable) canoe. Is there a kids' camp in Wisconsin that wasn't populated with Shell Lakes at one time?

Okay, I take back what I said about the eBay seller... I see he replied to someone that the canoe might be a Shell Lake-- not in the main body of the ad, but in an email reply that he posted.
Also nice that he did reveal his reserve price.

I've always found using a reserve taints an auction, but revealing the reserve is an act of courtesy, since bidders can move on if that reserve seems too high to them and thus not waste their time.

By the way, this listing brings to mind a question: is a list maintained on this forum of people who work on wood and cedar canoes?