No joking I really saw this today!

Dave Wermuth

Who hid my paddle?
Our own Dave McDaniels was featured in a segment of "Great getaways" PBS TV show today. Two beautiful canoes, one a Morris being paddled down the AuSable River by the show's host. And Dave talking about them.
Good job Dave. Well done.
Just Tivo'd!

I just Tivo'd all the Great Getaways in the next fourteen days to try and catch that show. Is the episode also the Lighthouse Festival one?
don't think so

It's the AuSable River hiking trail segment. Not the lighthouse version. Tivo is like a recording thing, right? Can it Tivo yesterday's episodes today?
"Recording Thing"...right!

It can't record yesterday's shows, but it will look out of the next two weeks and grab all the shows, so if that particular show re-runs, then it will grab it.