BIG thanks to Pacific Northwest chapter members!

Michael Grace

Lifetime Member
I am extremely grateful to the members of the Northwest Chapter for helping me get a canoe from Seattle to Florida. I was trying to find a method for safe and timely transport, and asked Martin Ferwerda if he could put the word out. He did, and almost immediately several kind-hearted and very helpful members provide some excellent suggestions. In the end, one wonderful member (I'll be happy to mention his name if he doesn't mind) transported the canoe from Seattle to North Carolina where he was attending a woodworking workshop. I drove there to meet him and we had some great conversations and a very nice dinner together.

We have a fantastic organization, and a large part of why it's so great is because of our members. I am extremely grateful, but not at all surprised, but the quick and selfless help the members of the Northwest Chapter provided. Thank you!
